ITA18 strong-motion flat-files
The ITA18 flat-file is a parametric table containing metadata and intensity measures of manually processed waveforms, relevant for the analyses of the ground-motion in Italy.
The flat-file is constituted by the data included in ITACA v2.3 up to 2018 December 31st. Moreover, it is integrated with records of 12 wordwide (global) events (3 Turkey, 2 Japan, 2 New Zealend, 2 California, 1 Iceland, 1 Iran, and 1 Greece). If the earthquakes are recordd at the Italian boundaries, the records of the networks of the neighbouring countries, such as France, Switzerland, Slovenia, Albania, and Montenegro, are also added in order to improve the spatial and azimuthal sampling of the events.
All the wavefors of this dataset were manually processed according to the standard ITACA scheme, described in Paolucci et al. (2011) and Puglia et al. (2018).
The flat-file of the ITA18 records is formatted consistently with the Engineering Strong Motion flat-file (Lanzano et al. 2019).
The flat-file includes 5607 records, relative to 146 earthquakes and 1657 stations. ITA18 is the primary source of information of the ground-motion model of Italy(Lanzano et al., 2019), which is valid for events in active shallow (event depth < 30 km) crustal regions; i.e. different regimes are excluded (volcanic events or subduction events in the southern Tyrrhenian sea).

- time interval: 1972 - 2018;
- event sampling: events having less than 10 records are excluded;
- latitude range [35-48] and longitude [6-19];
- magnitude (moment Mw, local ML or surface Ms) in the range 3.5-8.0 (the maximum magnitude values for Italian events is 6.9 of the 1980 Irpiania earthquake);
- distance: source-to-site distances lower than 200 km are included;
- components of ground motion: only records having three components (two horizontal and one vertical) are considered;
- soil-structure interaction: only surface instruments with low or no interactions with nearby structures are included.
NOTES: not all the events with magnitudes less than 5.0 are included to avoid oversampling of small magnitudes; several aftershocks of major seismic sequences in Italy are disregarded to have, as much as possible, a homogeneous spatial distribution of events.
The ITA18 dataset is distributed as a zip file containing:- a parametric table (ITA18_SA_flatfile.csv) in CSV format (semicolon separated) containing peak, duration and energy parameters, as well as the spectral acceleration ordinates SA calculated assuming 5% damping in the range 0.01-10s and associated metadata of ITA18 dataset;
- a user manual (User_manual_ITA18_flatfile.pdf) with the explanation of the table fields;
- supporting dictionaries for some fields of the table.
If you use data available in the, cite as:
Lanzano G., Ramadan F., Luzi L., Sgobba S., Felicetta C., Pacor F., D'Amico M., Puglia R., Russo E. (2022). Parametric table of the ITA18 GMM for PGA, PGV and Spectral Acceleration ordinates. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV).
- ITA18-SA flat-file
- md5 checksum: 997bfb8726bd41d2ba82bf6274cc27db
- Lanzano G., Sgobba S., Luzi L., Puglia R., Pacor F., Felicetta C., D'Amico M., Cotton F., Bindi D. (2018). The pan-European Engineering Strong Motion (ESM) flatfile: compilation criteria and data statistics. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering.
- Lanzano G., Luzi L., Pacor F., Felicetta C., Puglia R., Sgobba S., D'Amico M. (2019). A Revised Ground-Motion Prediction Model for Shallow Crustal Earthquakes in Italy. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 109(2), 525-540.
The ITA18 flat-file has been developed in the framework of the INGV-DPC Agreement (2019-2021) - Annex B1.
The ITA18-SA flat-file is licensed under the terms of the "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)" License. This means that you are free to share (reproduce, distribute, communicate to the public, publicly display, perform and play this material in any medium and format) and adapt (remix and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially). The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms. You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.
This site provides access to the parametric table (named flat-file) derived from the ITA18 database (ITA18_flatfile) containing strong-motion parameters and associated earthquake, station and waveform metadata. The current flat-file has been extracted on Decembre 31st, 2018. Although all the parameters have been checked by analysts, no warranty, implicit or explicit is attached to the data. Every risk due to the improper use of data or the use of inaccurate information is assumed by the user.
Network owners should be acknowledged according to the International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (FDSN)
Related papers
- Puglia R., Russo E., Luzi L., D'Amico M., Felicetta C., Pacor F., Lanzano G. (2018). Strong-motion processing service: a tool to access and analyse earthquakes strong-motion waveforms. Bull Earthquake Eng.
- Paolucci R., Pacor F., Puglia R., Ameri G., Cauzzi C., Massa M. (2011). Record processing in ITACA, the new Italian strong-motion database. In Earthquake data in engineering seismology (pp. 99-113). Springer, Dordrecht.