SISMI_3Dmodel.csv: 3D seismo-stratigraphic model of the Plio-Quaternary sediments of the Milan metropolitan area, covering altogether an area of about 20 km by 20 km, with a grid resolution of 100m x 100m x 30m (xyz).The 3D model is developed in GeoModeller (version 4.0.8 2020, Intrepid Geophysics BRGM) and it is provided in a csv file, where the columns indicate: the X, Y, Z coordinates (WGS84 - UTM 33N) of the grid cells, the ID number of the stratigraphic unit and the S-wave velocity (VS) assigned to the cells. The SISMI_3Dmodel already includes the VS,30 values at the ground surface.
The stratigraphic units included in the 3D model are the Continental (IDunit=4) and Marine (IDunit=3) Quaternary series, along with the Pliocene (IDunit=2) and Miocene (IDunit=1) units. To avoid extrapolations at the border of the model, the data collection area has been extended to a wider area in the western sector of the Po Plain, including 336 VIDEPI boreholes (Progetto VIDEPI 2009-2023) and 10 geological cross-sections from Pieri and Groppi (1981), Casero (2004), Fantoni and Franciosi (2010) and Maesano et. al., (2015). The VS,30 map was obtained including the shallow velocity profiles provided by professional studies (restricted data) and by other scientific studies performed in the area (Mascandola C. et al., 2019).
CitationIf you use the SISMI_3Dmodel.csv cite as:
Grignaschi A., Mascandola C., Luzi L. (2023). SISMI_3Dmodel: 3D seismo-stratigraphic model of the Milan metropolitan area [Data set]. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV).
- Casero P. (2004). Structural setting of petroleum exploration plays in Italy. Special Volume of the Italian Geological Society for the IGC, 32, 189-199.
- Fantoni R., Franciosi R. (2010). Tectono-sedimentary setting of the Po Plain and Adriatic foreland. Rendiconti Lincei, 21(1), 197-209.
- Maesano F. E., D'Ambrogi C., Burrato P., Toscani G. (2015). Slip-rates of blind thrusts in slow deforming areas: examples from the Po Plain (Italy). Tectonophysics, 643, 8-25.
- Mascandola C., Massa M., Barani S., Albarello D., Lovati S., Martelli L., Poggi V. (2019). Mapping the Seismic Bedrock of the Po Plain (Italy) through Ambient‐Vibration Monitoring. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 109(1), 164-177.
- Pieri M., Groppi G. (1981). Subsurface geological structure of the Po Plain, Italy, in Progetto Finalizzato Geodinamica/Sottoprogetto 'Modello Strutturale', edited by C.N.R., Publ. N° 414.
- Progetto ViDEPI (2009-2023) - Visibilità dei dati afferenti all'attività di esplorazione petrolifera in Italia Ministero dello sviluppo economico DGRME - Società Geologica Italiana - Assomineraria.