CI-GIT: seismological parameters and amplification functions derived by the GIT inversion described in Morasca et al (2022).The CI-GIT is distributed as a .zip file, containing:
- CI-GITpar: seismological parameters derived from modeling of the outcomes of a non parametric GIT inversion (Generalized Inversion Technique Andrews, 1986; Castro et al., 1990, Oth et al., 2010; Bindi et al., 2010) applied on the CI dataset by Morasca et al (2022). CI-GITpar includes:
- a parametric table in .xlsx format (source_Param_GIT.xlsx) containing the list of events and related metadata (coordinates, moment magnitude, corner frequency, stress-drop, kappa source, seismic moment);
- a README.txt file explaining the abbreviations fields of the parametric table.
- CI-GITSite: parameters and amplification functions derived from a non-parametric Generalized Inversion Technique (GIT, Andrews, 1986; Castro et al., 1990, Oth et al., 2010; Bindi et al., 2010) applied on the CI dataset by Morasca et al (2022). CI-GITSite includes:
- a folder named CI-GITSiteCurves that includes 283 files, one for each station used for the GIT inversion in .csv format comma-separated. Each file comprises the site amplification curve and relative standard deviations for the frequency range 0.5 25 Hz;
- a parametric table in .xlsx format (kappa_GIT_calibSTA.xlsx) containing the list of stations and related kappa values calculated for different frequency bands and relative standard errors and standard deviations;
- a README.txt file explaining the abbreviations fields used inside each file.
If you use the flat-files available in, cite as:
Morasca, P., D'Amico, M., Spallarossa, D. (2022). CI-FAS_GIT: Seismological parameters and amplification functions derived by the Generalized Inversion Technique in Central Italy. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV).
Related papers
- Morasca P., D’Amico M., Sgobba S., Lanzano G., Colavitti L., Pacor F., Spallarossa D. (2022) Empirical correlations between a FAS non-ergodic ground motion model and a GIT derived model for Central Italy (2022) Geophysical Journal International