CI-SA_flatfile Parametric table of the 5% Acceleration response Spectra ordinates and associated metadata for the shallow active crustal events in Central Italy (2009-2018) relative to the Central Italy dataset.
The parametric table is distributed as a .zip file, containing:
  • the parametric table with all the seismological recordings computed in Spectral Amplitude (SA) in the period range 0.04s-2s (CI-SA_Flatfile.csv);
  • a supporting file (README_SA.txt) explaining the abbreviations fields used inside the SA table.
If you use the CI-SA_flatfile, cite as:
Spallarossa D., Colavitti L., Lanzano, G., Sgobba S., Pacor F., Felicetta C. (2022). CI-SA_Flatfile: Parametric table of the 5% Acceleration response Spectra ordinates and associated metadata for the shallow active crustal events in Central Italy (2009-2018) [Data set]. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV).

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  • Sgobba S., Lanzano G., Pacor F. (2021). Empirical nonergodic shaking scenarios based on spatial correlation models: An application to Central Italy. Earthquake Engineering Structural Dynamics, 50: 60-80.
  • Lanzano G., Felicetta C., Pacor F., Spallarossa D., Traversa P. (2020) Methodology to identify the reference rock sites in regions of medium-to-high seismicity: an application in Central Italy Geophysical Journal International, 222(3), 20532067.